Sugihara Chiune: Solly Ganor Remembers His Encounter With Sugihara in 1939

Sugihara Chiune was a Japanese diplomat who risked his career to save thousands of Jewish refugees during World War II. Fig. Solly Ganor. This is a schematic picture. For the actual image, please visit the following PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) link. In reference [1], Solly Ganor recalls his encounter with Sugihara when he was a 13-year-old boy in Kaunas, Lithuania. The entire story vividly captures Sugihara and his wife, and the moments he describes align with what I’ve learned about Sugihara and his wife. Below, I will cite some of the interesting parts from [1]. During the Hanukkah period of 1939, Solly was at his aunt’s gourmet shop to ask for some money to go see a movie. It was there that his aunt introduced him to Sugihara. In the description below, “he” refers to Sugihara. I have removed several redundant symbols. Solly: “He looked at me and I felt very comfortable with him. There was a certain aura of kindnes...