Asakawa Kan’ichi: Churchill And MacArthur After WWII


Fig. Winston Churchill


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Photographer Yousuf Karsh

Title  The Roaring Lion Edit

This is in the public domain.

Fig. Asakawa Kan’ichi

"Kan'ichi Asakawa Papers (MS 40). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library."

 When the Potsdam Declaration was published in 1945, Asakawa immediately began analyzing it. He writes [1] (translation by the author):

General Douglas MacArthur played a pivotal role in shaping postwar Japan after World War II. 

Fig. Douglus MacArthur

General of the Army Douglas MacArthur smoking his corncob pipe, probably at Manila, Philippine Islands, 2 August 1945.

Date  2 August 1945

Source        Naval Historical Center; Direct link. Photo #: USA C-2413 (Color), photograph from the Army Signal Corps Collection in the U.S. National Archives.

Author        Photographer not credited.

This is in the public domain.

His mission was to rebuild and democratize the defeated nation, and he sought to restore security, dignity, and self-respect to the Japanese people. Even though some of his measures were highly criticized by Asakawa, among others , MacArthur implemented bold reforms within a short period;

 While some aspects of their implementation were subject to criticism, I believe it would have taken decades to accomplish these changes without him.Historian Yamauchi [1] hypothesizes that Asakawa, one of the contributors of the “Japan Plan”, had a hand in shaping this clandestine plan. Remarkably, MacArthur was aware of its existence, which sheds light on Asakawa’s intentions for Japan’s post-war reforms. If this theory holds true, Asakawa’s contribution to Japan’s recovery was significant. 

[1] Yamauchi, H., “Asakawa Kan’ichi Ron”, Waseda University Press, Tokyo, 2010



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