Asakawa Kan’ichi: The One-Tribe Theory Is At Best A Respectable Fiction

 In 1903 Asakawa publishes his Ph. D thesis from Yale University Press. Reference [1] is the second printing from another publisher. The following is a part of this book (color emphasis by the author):

Note that he published this in 1903, when the above statements might have been against main stream media of the time.

Asakawa Kan’ichi (1873 –1948) was a Professor of History at Yale, a peace advocate, and a curator at the Yale Library. Born in Japan as the son of a samurai, he spent the majority of his life in America.

Fig. Asakawa Kan’ichi

"Kan'ichi Asakawa Papers (MS 40). Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library."

[1] Asakawa, K., “The Early Institutional Life of Japan; A Study of the Reform of 645 AD”, Second Edition, Paragon Book Reprint Corp., New York, 1963



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