Sugihara Chiune: His Honor Restored

The year 2000 marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sugihara Chiune, a Japanese diplomat who risked his carrier to save  thousands of Jewish refugees in WW2. 

In October 10, 2000 exactly the same day when new diplomatic relations started between Japan and the Republic of Lithuania in 1991, where Sugihara had served, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan unveiled a plaque at the Diplomatic Record Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs honoring the accomplishments of Sugihara in order to bequeath the legacy of Japan's diplomacy to future generations. [2]

Fig. Commemorative Plaque

Fig. Commemorative Plaque shows the Plaque at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is a schematic picture. The interested reader can visit the following for the real image at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan:

An unveiling ceremony took place in the presence of Yukiko,  and others. [1]

Fig. Ceremony

This is a schematic picture. The interested reader can visit the following for the real image at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan:

Shown in Fig. Ceremony are Yukiko, second from the left and Foreign Minister Kono, third from the right together with Diet member Suzuki and Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of Lithuania and Israel.

[1] Youtube site

[2]Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japn



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